Hello, lovely ‘between the moons’ friends. Here we are again. I’m so happy to have you with me as we journey around the lunar wheel.
To be honest, it’s been a bit of a time. My van broke down the other day and has been written off, so there’ll be no more exploring further afield for a while. I found myself wondering what I could possibly write about, until it dawned on me that November is one of my favourite months to photograph the natural world right outside my own front door. And that perhaps you might like to join me for a walk along the lane just as dusk falls, so that together we can find out what’s afoot and watch as autumn slides into winter.
It’s been drizzling all day, light but steady so that I hear its delicate rhythm against the glass and outside there’s a constant faint pitter-patter against the thinning leaves. Everywhere is sodden but the mizzle has just about stopped so I pull on my jacket and boots and step out. I’ve had the stove alight already as it felt a bit clammy and chilly but actually outside it’s surprisingly mild.
A flash of orange catches my eye, vivid in the pale grey light. Halloween may have passed but my neighbours opposite still have the remaining fruits of their harvest to offer, nestled snugly in the straw.
Let’s turn right and head into the misty twilight along a lane darkened by damp. Droplets suspended from every stem, and even from the bright rose hips with their snagging thorns. Hedgerow jewels, luring us deeper into the dusk.