Hello again my lovely friends.
Before getting started, I just want to take a moment to thank you with all my heart for believing in me and my work enough to support Bracken & Wrack ‘between the moons’. It truly means the world, and I’m very grateful. There are a few more of us since the last quarter-moon posting and so this feels like a good time to give you all a virtual hug xx
Today, though, I wanted to explore with you the circular form known as the mandala, and I’ve made a little video to illustrate some of the things I’ve been thinking about.
‘I sit back on my sandy heels and gaze at the mandala that has just emerged from under my hands. Half an hour beforehand I’d been scanning the shoreline for seawashed trinkets; amulets to lay out in concentric circles like so many tossed-pebble ripples.’
Now, I know that the word ‘mandala’ is likely to be familiar to you already, but I thought I would muse a little on mandalas and the different purposes you might have in making one.