Thank you so much for a beautiful and evocative read.This is my favourite time of the year late summer and Autumn. We live on the banks of the Red river in Winnipeg Canada. The season changes are happening here amidst crushing forest fire smoke. I saw a new Lilac blooming in mid-August ! and

beautiful guelder rose berries ripening. The fruits and growth here are amazing because of the early June heat and steady rainfall ( for us at least) other parts of the country are parched.

Many thanks for your cheery and lovely reads I always look forward to them

Love from the prairies

Denise xo

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Thank you Denise. Yes, it's a lovely time of year isn't it? I envy you, living on the banks of a river! I hope that the forest fires are now under control and that the devastation isn't too severe. I know that nature has a way of springing back come what may. Thank you for your kind words and for the lovely descriptions of your own landscape which I, too, look forward to! Love from Norfolk x

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I showed this to my dad who has planted a lot of the wildflowers in Lessingham churchyard. The teasel comes from seeds he got from near Knighton in Radnorshire from a school friend many years ago apparently.

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Oh that’s lovely to know, Rachel! Thank you for telling me. And by a pleasing coincidence, Radnorshire was one of my late husband’s favourite places and we visited the Knighton area more than once!

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Thank you Imogen, for the glimpse of the near end of one season….another is surely just around the bend. You manage so wonderfully to share the golden endings. Blackberries are my favourite fruit! My mum used to tell me to pick some and I loved doing this. I was alone, in the buzzing heat but my feet were in tall grasses usually in a deep ditch. I could hear birds within the bramble growth and sometimes a frog. I came back triumphant with a full bowl, purple lips and plenty of scratches! Tomorrow there would be jam! Your sloe and hawthorn hearth mandala is beautiful!

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Oh Cornelia, I loved your description of childhood blackberry picking. What vivid memories! I’m guessing that the very scent of blackberries takes you back to those days. I’ve saved the Hilary Llewellyn-Williams blackberry picking poem for the next edition of Bracken & Wrack, since the new moon will fall within the month of Vine/Bramble in the Tree Calendar. I know it’s probably all a construct, but it’s something to work within to give a bit of shape to my ramblings! Happy September to you, and thank you for your kind words X

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